Hello everyone! The student council is very excited to announce Manthan’s first ever podcast, “Seek the Truth”. And it gets even better! The podcast is solely by Manthan and for Manthan. This platform gives Manthanites an opportunity to explore new topics and engage in discussions. Manthanites can now customize each episode to their passions ranging from the latest discoveries, to interviewing seniors for exam advice and conversing with teachers about hilarious stories. Get creative; everything is up to you!
Fill this form (https://forms.gle/mX82GcZZxv2UP6qV8), which is also available under materials page, through which you can tell us the details of the podcast i.e. what you are planning to discuss, with who etc.… Make sure you detail this properly and efficiently; we will then coordinate with you further to record the podcast!
We look forward to using this platform to its highest extent to learn and educate others while having fun!
Find the pilot episode by the student council under the new 'Podcast' section. All future episodes will be posted here so stay tuned!
Taking inspiration from other sources is okay when due credit is given but no blatant plagiarism will be tolerated.
Ensure that the language used and topics discussed are school appropriate.
Podcasts should be between 4 and 10 minutes.
This is open for high school only for now.
Any discrimination or hate will not be tolerated.
When including a person into your episode, get their explicit consent before filling the form.
Please cooperate with the council and stick to the timings.
The student council will be making changes constantly and updating information regarding the podcast or the podcast.